6 comments on “The Floodgates Will Open?

  1. I’m with you on this one: intellectual property is important, but it’s not a blanket restriction on anyone ever mentioning your stuff ever again…

  2. If she’s going to accept her popularity, she’s going to have to accept that works of scholarship will be based upon her books. That is what the Harry Potter Lexicon is; she freely admits that she, herself, uses it as a reference.

    She is in the wrong here, and so is the publisher. This is motivated by greed and “we’d make millions if WE did this” but they haven’t. He did. They should acknowledge the achievement of Vander Ark and get over themselves.

  3. Mike — I can’t help wondering if she’ll come after me for using the words “Harry” and “Potter”.

    She uses it as a reference, raincoaster? I didn’t know that. Thanks. Bizarre.

    From the little I’ve seen of Vander Ark’s site, he seems to have done a fairly remarkable job. Any reference work of this kind is primarily about organising information, not producing it, and he seems accomplished at that.

  4. I think it is terrible that this evil man wants to take the food from the mouth’s of J.K. Rowling’s poor deprived children and doom them to a life of poverty by trying to publish this book.

    Yes, I am being sarcastic.

    I’m intellectually with Gary on the issue on this one, as it does not seem to me to be ‘stealing’ so much as ‘organizing’ — but it does strike me as very petty on the part of a billionaire like Rowling to try to deny Vander Ark any attention or compensation for the work he’s done by pretending to truly be injured by it in any way.

  5. She is the epitome of a person being in the right place at the right time – the Harry Potter books are shite!

    This just, once again, shows her greed, nothing more.

  6. I love it when we all agree 😉

    but it does strike me as very petty on the part of a billionaire like Rowling to try to deny Vander Ark any attention or compensation for the work he’s done by pretending to truly be injured by it in any way.

    Her injured tone is especially annoying — as is the suggestion that she’s somehow protecting other writers. Oh, keep up the sarcasm, jimsmuse! It’s always welcome here 😉

    the Harry Potter books are shite!

    Now come on, say what you think, Will 🙂 Couldn’t agree more, mate.

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