21 comments on “Borders Pulls Out All the Stops!

  1. I love how incredibly modest you are (that is to say, the idea that you’re modest isn’t the least bit credible.) But I also love this:

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  2. ::perfect::

    One minute I’m idly wondering how G. is faring, and the next I’m umm.. almost wetting myself with pleasure.

    Sincerely delighted too.

  3. Awesome! I’m sitting here with a goofy grin as if it’s my book up there. LOL

    I’m very happy and excited for you, my friend! ((hugs))

  4. this is amazing mate, to have watched you work hard all these years, and now see it pay off is a great thing to witness. Will be getting my copy soon!

    • Cheers, Gary! Like the song says, “If I Can Dream”! 😉 Ain’t holding my breath, but giving it my best shot… who knows, right?

      And I did send Stephen Fry a copy, after all LOL

  5. Pingback: Blog interview no.79 with novelist Gary William Murning | Morgen Bailey's Blog

  6. That is so utterly cool. Sad that Borders will now be gone, but hopefully you can still carry on book sales in other venues for many years to come. It’s a great display though.

    Came here from Morgan Bailey blog interview.

    Tossing It Out

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